Wednesday, March 26, 2008

What's that you say?

The first draft isn't due till April 15th?
Dave Olson, you are the best thesis advisor ever!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Moment of Truth. What a fucker.

Very soon, I'll have to stop researching and organizing and start... writing. I hate that part.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Thesis (or not)

You're probably going to be seeing a lot more posts from me now, since I'm supposed to be writing my Master's thesis. The first draft is due April 1.

I'm writing about measurement in the nonprofit field--specifically, how grantmakers and foundations measure and evaluate "success" in this often-nebulous field. Details to come soon, as my procrastination becomes ever more frantic.

Here, have a picture of Linus in luxury:

Oh, and I have inadvertently grown Mushroom-Zilla. More soon.