Monday, March 19, 2007

Pupdate #...? (Happy Late Monthday!)

Last week, Linus celebrated his fifth arbitrary monthday (the 7th of each month). Here is his monthly picture, showing one of his favorite toys. He likes to have stuff to carry when we go outside:

Linus is currently visiting with his aunt and making new doggie friends at Casa John & Melissa, as I have to be in New York City this week for school stuff. Naturally I am getting twice-daily progress reports.

You'd think that a Spring Break trip to NYC would be just what every little arts manager desires, but I would so rather be home right now, wrestling with Linus and decontaminating my apartment. Anyway, I am currently the guest of the marvelous Flogging Katie, who has provided me with shelter, enthusiastic welcome, and a much-needed dose of pointed absurdity. Now if I could just stop falling asleep in front of important theater executives...

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Pupdate #10 (the Destruction Duo)

It's homework time again, so obviously I have to post another Linus video. Clever stalling tactic, huh?

Brenin and Linus together are a kind of tag-team of destruction, with Brenin gleefully knocking valuable objects off their havens for Linus to chew. One of Brenin's favorite tricks is to steal the sash out of my bathrobe, drag it to wherever Linus is sitting, drop it in front of him, and wait for the fun to begin.

This scene is staged for documentary purposes, but it accurately reflects daily life in the Meganomics household.

P.S. YouTube promises that the video will be ready shortly.
P.P.S. I hope you like it! This is my first foray into the exciting world of video editing.
P.P.P.S. The song is by Magnetic Fields.